Is this face not the most handsome kitty face in the whole world?? Mom assures me it is.
I have also been sleeping in the "weirdest" places this weekend. Although my condo is still my fave, I usually like sleeping there late at night to avoid having to go sleep with Mom!
Hey Mr Fluffy you are handsome. We haf put you in our blog roll. ~The FLuffy Tribe
Yes Mr. Fluffy, you're adorable, but also obese. Look at that FAT face...*shakes head*
(You know who I am, mwuahahahahaha)
Mom told me it was ok to tell you to kiss my furry butt!!! ;)
And yes, yes we know who you are... payback is on its way Auntie J-J.. muaa hahahaha.. ;)
You are not fat just curvy! And of course very handsome.
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