Friday, July 17, 2009

Old pics!!! Beginning of university life..

Monique: I found some old pictures from 2005 when I first started my university endeavor. (For the record, I'm now in my 5th and final year... at least for now, depending on what the future holds for me. :) ) Anyway, I dug up a few pictures which made me laugh (and shudder...) from my 1st year when I was living in residence. I sometimes miss the silence (I lived on the top floor which was nicknamed "the morgue" because it was poorly lit and a 24/7 quiet hours floor. Most students were Law, mature, or graduate students.) Anyway, I missed Fluffy too much, and I wanted him with me, so I only stayed in residence one year. Well, enough ramblinjg. Enjoy these HORRIBLE photos.. lol..

My first day living there. Don't I look happy. ;)

Group photo. You can barely see me, but I'm behind the guy in the middle front row wearing a cowboy hat.

A visit from some friends from my home town. Sadly, this friend has moved to the other side of the country. We had a bit too much to drink (and we didn't even hit the bars yet! haha)

Again.. my friends from home. We were buzzing... lol...
December 2005

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