Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh the places you will go...

...and oh the things you will do...
Hello my readers,

Summer is coming to an end. Only about two more weeks before the nights and mornings are chilly, frost will appear on windshields, and Mom will be starting her fifth and final year of university. She is done work now, so that means lots more time to spend with me!!! She will be away for a few days this week to visit grandma though. But, she did promise me that next week will be our "Mom and me" time.

Mom would like some advice. Since my illness, I have pooped on the floor (in the same area in the bedroom) 2-3 times. I haven't vomitted or had diarrhea, but Mom is baffled as to why I pooped outside my litterbox. She doesn't think I'm sick because I'm eating fine and I do my business on a regular basis. Does anyone out there have any ideas as to why I'm doing this? I am almost 15 years old, and maybe I'm feeling a little confused at times (but I don't pee outside my litterbox)...

I received my Xmas gift early this year!!! Mom bought me a Louis Vuitton collar!!! Talk about a stylin' kitty! >^^<>
Oh yes, and here is my new fish toy!!! It's a krinkle fish!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Unintentional birding!

Mr. Fluffy: I have been feeling much better lately now that I haven't been eating any wet food. I haven't been throwing up, but now I haven't pooped in over 2 days. Mom checked around the apartment in case I did my business elsewhere, but nothing. Mom was away though, so maybe I'll feel like going again now that she's back! The main thing is that I am doing much better. YAY!

Monique: I was at my mom's over the weekend and ended up doing a bit of unintentional birding. Yesterday, I took the neighbour's dog out for a walk, and saw two gorgeous Cedar Waxwings! Sadly, I didn't have my binoculars with me (isn't that always the way!), but they were close enough to get a good look. Sadly, I also came across a dead Sparrow on the dirt road. :(

This morning was the greatest surprise. I was eating breakfast with my aunt & uncle when my aunt noticed an interesting bird up in one of the trees. Paying no attention, I told her it was probably just a crow. My step-dad's binos were within reach, so we grabbed them and figured out that it was a Peregrine Falcon!! I thought it was a Merlin, but my aunt & uncle are experienced birders, so they knew right away. Though, they were surprised to find it in the area (in a tree!). According to my uncle, they were once on the endangered species list, but brought them back. Interesting! Now that he knows I'm a birder (and him being a university professor and a birder himself), he quizzed me all weekend on every bird we saw (including gulls!) which was actually pretty fun!

On my way home, I noticed an osprey surveying the highway from its nest.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sick little guy

Well, I've been giving Mom a bit of a scare. For a while, I was sick of my wet food, so Mom stopped feeding it to me. She re-introduced it to me about a week ago, and I appeared to be doing fine, except the past few days. I started throwing up after eating, but then I would be fine! Only today, my tummy is feeling extra yucky because I have been pooping on the floor too (something I NEVER do!!) So Mom became very worried about me and called the vet. It is a civic holiday here, so vets are closed. Anyway, the doctor on call said that it was most likely the wet food causing my distress and to stop feeding it to me. He said that I was probably defecating on the carpet because I felt bad about throwing up (though Mom thought this sounded a bit odd..??) Anyway, she's been giving me lots of TLC today, and decided to stay home with me. She'll see what happens and if things aren't better by tomorrow morning, she'll take me to the vet. Sounds like I just have a sore tummy though, thankfully!!

Well, back to some TLC with Mom.. she's going to make me some boiled chicken with rice to help settle my tummy. Mmmmm...

Oh oh.... and I just did my business in my litterbox!!! Woo hoooo!!

Unfortunately, because of my age, this ordeal has left Mom feeling rather upset and making her realize that I can't be with her furever. She's realizing how unprepared she is for when "the time" comes.

I'll keep ya's posted on what's going on with me.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Livingroom camping!!

It has been very warm these past couple days, so our bedroom is like a furnace! We have air conditioning in our livingroom though, so Mom decided to blow up the air mattress and sleep in the livingroom. It is very comfortable (though Auntie J-J would disagree with this statement. hehe) I decided that I wanted to sleep with Mom even if my own bed was right next to her. Check out the generous amount of leg room I allowed her!!

In other news, my Auntie Linda just adopted a dog, and according to Mom, she's a real sweetheart. I'm not so sure about this, and I don't think I want to meet her, but I'm ok with Mom seeing her. She just fell in love with her at first sight. I have to admit though, she IS pretty cute, I just don't want to become her lunch!!!

Where I started off....

Where I spent most of the night...