It has been very warm these past couple days, so our bedroom is like a furnace! We have air conditioning in our livingroom though, so Mom decided to blow up the air mattress and sleep in the livingroom. It is very comfortable (though Auntie J-J would disagree with this statement. hehe) I decided that I wanted to sleep with Mom even if my own bed was right next to her. Check out the generous amount of leg room I allowed her!!In other news, my Auntie Linda just adopted a dog, and according to Mom, she's a real sweetheart. I'm not so sure about this, and I don't think I want to meet her, but I'm ok with Mom seeing her. She just fell in love with her at first sight. I have to admit though, she IS pretty cute, I just don't want to become her lunch!!!Where I started off....

Where I spent most of the night...

Mr Fluffy your Mummy is very lucky!!
Yes I am, thanks! :) Come visit us again soon!
-Fluffy's Mom
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