Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and other funny anecdotes...

Here was my little costume for Halloween. Mom wasn't home, so she "decorated" me a little early. Aren't I cute?

Mom bought a collapsible drinking bowl for Auntie's dog (Mom's favourite canine) for when she takes her out for walks and hikes. As soon as I saw it, I thought it was for ME!! I think it makes a better pillow. As a matter of fact, I am still sleeping on it. Mom bought me a little catnip Clownfish, but I think this is better.


meemsnyc said...

Oh Mr. Fluffy, that is such a cute costume! We are working on your Paw It Forward package. Hope to get it out soon!

Mr. Fluffy & Princess Prada said...

Thank you! Looking forward on the package! Christmas will be coming early this year! >^^<

Rattie said...

I missed this are just too cute!