Sunday, November 15, 2009

That time of the year!

Hi everyone!

Guess what! Mom says that I will be getting my picture taken with Santa Claws next Sunday! I'm soooo excited. (NOT!) I didn't enjoy the experience too much last year. I mean come on, I had about 20 dogs trying to sniff me, some barking, and about a million people wanting to pet me and about 5 people kept dangling funny little things in front of me trying to get my attention and look at this thing called a "camera" aka. a box shaped thing that blinds you when they press a little button. Anyway, here are a couple pictures from last year, just to recap!
Mom says we'll go first thing in the morning. Hopefully there will be less people and dogs.

They even took a picture of me with Mom! I was so popular! MOL!


Anonymous said...

you looked lovely!

Mr. Fluffy & Princess Prada said...

Thank you Diddleymaz! :)