Well, Mom's getting fed up with me dumping 1/2 my litter out of my kitten box, so she decided to go buy me an "adult" cat litterbox to see if that will fix the problem. I still have my kitten box in the livingroom, but eventually Mom wants me using just the big one in the bathroom. Of course, Mom can't just get ONE thing. She also bought me my food. I eat Royal Canine Babycat34 and some Iams. Unfortunately, I only eat my food when it is VERY fresh and not sitting there for a few hours. Mom thinks I'm too picky.
As a special treat, Mom got me a cool new scratching post I love and "Cat Sitter dvd" with lots of cool rodents and birds. Mr. Fluffy's best friend Napoleon LOVES his dvd, so Mom decided to try it on me. I love it as well! She also bought me Pet Head purrtastic passion fruit shampoo for baths!! Mom wants to get me used to baths in preparation of cat shows next year. I guess I have to be squeeky clean and not full of yogurt and matted fur. Whatever.
Speaking of cat shows, Mom is filling out my papers to register me with the Cat Fanciers' Association (my litter is already registered, but not my name and owner) and applying for my pedigree (my family tree). She is requesting 6 generations (126 ancestors) which is quite expensive, but will be nice to have (especially for shows).
-Princess Miu Miu Prada di Saks
Here are some fun facts:
My great-grandmother Charlotte is a Grand Champion Show cat.
My dam's (mom) name is Sparrow and is a Persian with copper eyes.
My sire's (dad) name is Cruikshanks!! How adorable is that!! Mom loves the name!
I may be related to LeonardCohen. (Not the singer. The cat.)