He had been sick for a little while, and has been suffering very much these past few days and probably longer. I wouldn't know because he was such a strong cat and such a little trooper. Unfortunately I knew from the moment he came home from the vet yesterday that something was terribly wrong, and he went downhill from there. This morning was his time to say goodbye to me. He was in the company of myself and his Auntie Linda who loved him very much, so it's comforting to know that he was surrounded by those he loved. It's also a comfort to know that he will no longer have to suffer. Even at his very worst condition, he refused to let go, but I knew I had to set him free. I couldn't be selfish and put him through more.
I was able to share a very private bonding moment with him before we left. I talked to him about all our interesting moments we shared together and apologized for anything I ever regretted or did to hurt him. I regret not spending more time with him lately and given him more cuddles and petting. My little man deserved more than this world had to offer him. I'm sure he is being crowned King as we speak, and he is enjoying everything Rainbow Bridge has to offer.
I will always, always, and always remember my beloved little guy, and I know we will always be together in spirit. We was my first real pet, and no other animal could EVER replace the love and bonding he and I shared together. He was my life, my everything.
Thank you again to everyone for their kind words, thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. For those of you who only knew him in cyberworld, you would have fallen in love with him.
Monique xo
The urn I selected for my precious baby boy:

Oh Monique,\im so sorry, but I admit I feared the worst when I saw he had gone to the vets..you gave him a wonderful life and he was ready to go. Bless you may your grief lessen when you realise it is shared.
Thank you so much.. I also had a very bad feeling about his vet visit and had a gut feeling that it was the end. He had a difficult life with his condition, and it was time to sleep in peace. I regret not spending more time with him lately because I have been so consumed with my internship. I will never forgive myself for that. I am promising to make it up to him when I can be with him again. Thank you again, Diddleymaz. xo
I'm so sorry Monique. He will certainly be missed. And of course he's being crowned king - he wouldn't have it any other way!
Thank you Linda. Yes, my baby deserves the best treatment over the rainbow bridge. I hope he is wearing a crown, receiving lots of love, attention and catnip, and has regained his youth. I can't wait to be with him again. Life without him isn't the same. Taking him away was like taking away the air I breathe.
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