Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New movie & article
Mom went to see the new movie "Marley & Me" last night! A friend recommended the book to her a while back, and she absolutely LOVED it! So she was very excited about the news that they were coming out with a movie. Mom gives the movie 5 thumbs up, but warns that there is a very sad part in it. Not recommended for someone who has recently lost a beloved pet (such as my aunt & uncle!)
Christmas pics to come within the next few days.
Here is a link to an interesting article which comes from my other blogging site. (CatChannel.com) Mom highly agrees with it. Only, she's not so sure about the "improving grades" part since I am often her source of procrastination. MOL!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Mom's brief morning of birding
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
First snowshoeing evening of the season!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Mom and I are at grandma's for the holiday season! I was excellent in the car on the way down, and I only spent a few minutes hiding under the bed! Mom made sure to bring my beds down, but I don't feel like sleeping in them. I would much rather lay on the ceramic tiles! (But Mom keeps moving me. Something about being "elderly" and developing something called "arthritis"???) As usual, Mom forgot something at home - my food!! So she was sure to go get some at the vet today! Phew... I thought I was going to have to go 3 weeks without food!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Annual Xmas Bird Count!
Well, Mom took part on her very first "Xmas Bird Count" through our local nature club where different groups go around and count birds (sounds logical!), and she really enjoyed it! She and her nature buff friend were supposed to do it in the country where she lives (to find more interesting birds), but her friend's dad (the pro) is feeling under the weather, so they had to join another group. They ended up going around the city (much to Mom's friend's dismay), but they had fun nonetheless. Mom said that it was warmer in the car anyway. MOL.. They found LOTS of Pidgeons of course, some Crows, Hawks, Gulls, Chickadees, Mourning Doves, Starlings, Song Sparrows, and a Purple Finch (probably the most interesting find, MOL)!!
They took a lunch break at one of the ladies' houses (who has a white cat!!!) Mom said she was much, MUCH, MUCH!!!! Smaller than me though. But very friendly! Apparently she wasn't very interested in my scent though! Weird.. Mom accidently sat on the cat's favourite chair & her friend freaked telling Mom that she was going to be full of fur. Anyway, of course Mom just laughed and told the lady that she is used to having my fur all over her. MOL.. They had gouda cheese, french baguette, and smoked salmon (mmmm)!! Oh yes, and some chocolate & banana bread. Mom certainly doesn't eat stuff like that everyday! MOL! But they're "well established" university professors, so they have the means. MOL..
Anyway, Mom had a great time and was glad that she decided to go (despite her exam tomorrow evening).
Mmmmm, birding cookie.... (from the potluck)
Fluffy, Ph.D. being studious. (I think I studied more than Mom has been!)
"Blink kisses"!!
Can Kitties Kiss? Just Look into Their Eyes ...
Posted Tue, May 29, 2007, 10:00 am PDTYou may or may not be aware of cat kisses, but they're something cat lovers have talked about for years. Some believe in them and some don't. I happen to be a believer in the ever-subtle -- but extremely endearing -- cat kiss.
If you're envisioning your favorite feline puckering up and planting a whisker-tickling smooch on your cheek, you're on the wrong track. A cat kiss is actually a very slow blink of the cat's eyelids.
Cat kisses are given to other cats, and to some lucky humans. It's usually reserved for a companion with whom the cat is familiar and friendly. You can even return a cat kiss with your own slow blink.
The next time you're sitting on the couch and your kitty is relaxed on the chair across the room, pay close attention -- because she may be offering a cat kiss. Her posture will be relaxed with her facial muscles also relaxed. Her eyelids will ever-so-gently close and reopen. You've just been kissed!
Don't attempt cat kisses with unfamiliar cats or ones who are stressed and anxious. You don't want to offer a direct stare to an unhappy or conflicted kitty. Reserve cat kisses for those relaxed and happy moments with the cats in your life.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mom, you're silly!
Monday, December 8, 2008
What the.....

Whoa, I just did the weirdest thing! Everything here is quiet (I was napping, and Mom is studying for exams). Anyway, all of a sudden I hissed!! Of course Mom quickly looked over, and she thinks I just had a bad dream because obviously no other animals or people are here to hiss at (besides, it's something I NEVER do, even when other people are here!) But, I did have a toy right in front of my face, so I think I just got a little startled. I'm ok now though, and of course Mom came over to comfort me. >^^<
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Weekend of research proposals (whatever THAT is) and rattie-sitting!
Emma watching tv!

Adorable Mr. Poe!

Mr. Remi, climbing. :)

Emma being cute in (my) Mom's hoodie :P

Monday, November 24, 2008
Visit with Santa Claws!
Anyway, back to Santa... Our local animal shelter called Santa Claws to come down to see all us dogs and cats. (Mom says the proceeds went toward the shelter.) I would say that it was the REAL Santa, but.... it was a woman!!! Apparently Santa is now a woman! MOL...
I received LOTS and LOTS of attention while we were there! Between my pet stroller and my size, I don't know which received more attention (and my cuteness of course! That's just a given..) Even Santa asked Mom how much I weigh! Geez.. I didn't see any other kitties, but there were lots of doggies!! (who gave me UNDESIRABLE attention by sniffing and barking at my presence..) There were other cats though who got their pictures taken throughout the weekend. In case you're interested, here is the website with all the pictures. http://www.equiessence.smugmug.com/
I have to admit though, I was not pleased about the picture taking session. Mom thinks they went through about 20 pictures because I would either refuse to: A) Look at the camera, or B) Keep my eyes open. And putting A and B together was near impossible despite having about 4 people squeeking funny looking things at me from behind the photographer and trying to grab my attention (including Mom who was becoming increasingly frustrated despite the photographer's endless patience.. hehe). Anyway, after a while, Mom laughingly told the photographer she could just stop because she thought I would never "give in". I felt bad for Mom's embarrassment of having such a "snotty cat" and creating a line up of people and animals, so I FINALLY gave in and took some pretty cute pictures. Check them out for yourself! (They even snuck one in of Mom holding me! She was a little surprised when she saw a pic of herself on the website. MOL!)

Sunday, November 16, 2008
A weekend to myself!
Oh yes, and I was trying to catch a bird that was flying around me!! My eyes got big like saucers and I was just pawing away at it until...... I realized it was Mom who was MAKING it fly (I noticed her chuckling)! Of course, I knew all along.... after all, birds aren't all disorganized like that when they fly. Nice try Mom. Once I saw Mom waving the wand around, I gave up and decided to go back to napping.
I have been 14 years old for a couple weeks now, and it's not all bad. Life is still the same!
Oh! We got a really cool tote bag in the mail on Friday from our animal shelter! Mom ADORES it because it says "Love is a four legged word" and there's a picture of puppies in the word "Love". She has NO idea how she managed to receive such a cool thing, but she will soon be paying a visit with a large quantity of canned cat food along with a kitty xmas card for the staff, and she already purchased our 2009 calendar from them.
Anyway, that is all the kitty news from me for now. Happy Monday everyone!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Although Mom isn't sure the exact date I was born, she knows I was born around the beginning of November, so she decided to claim November 1st as my bday. I am 14 years old today!!!! So today is a big day. I received my bday gift first thing this morning!!! (Well, not when I woke up, but when Mom woke up.) She bought me a Cat Fanciers' Association Porcupine Wiggler! I'm still not quite sure about it... When you stretch the tail, it wiggles itself to you, and I had fun batting at it until it came straight for me. I wasn't too happy about it invading my personal space... Nonetheless, it's a pretty cool toy. Mom also wrote a poem in my honour. It really touched my heart. I will share it with you all.
Fluffy, you were born in 1994
From that moment on, you are the one I adore.
14 years of fond memories have passed,
My love for you will always last.
You are the best friend I have ever had,
You are always there for me when I am sad.
There is not much you ask in return,
Yet, from you, so much I learn.
You have taught me to laugh and smile,
To be sensitive to your meows when you haven't seen me in a while.
To realize that animals too are family,
But most of all, to love what surrounds me.
Fluffy, I am starting to see aging in your eyes so amber.
I have to realize we can not be together forever.
I can not imagine my life without you my friend,
But to think you will always be with me, I can not pretend.
But for now, your 14 years we will celebrate,
And leave the rest we will to fate.
We have an understanding between us that will never die,
Even after you must say goodbye.
You make my life so worthwhile,
Through your purrs you make me smile.
So let us give cheers,
Baby, here is to 14 beautiful and meaningful years.
Love, Mom

Thursday, October 30, 2008
A day in the life of Mr. Fluffy... caught on candid camera.

What do we have here..?!

Coast is clear...

Mmmmm.... herbs.....

Hope I'm not leaving any traces behind!

BUSTED! (Mom's note: Notice the herbs stuck to his fur!)

As a "punishment", Mom made me create all these stick things for her class presentation. (No, not really, I just enjoyed watching them dry.)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Gee, thanks Mom!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Marshmallow roll!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I love baffling my mom.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Bird feeder...
Camping out..
Mom is staying in the city this weekend, so that means lots of quality time with her. She is going on an outing on Sunday along a coastline though. Wish I could go too, but Mom thinks I might scare away all the birds. I'm not so sure about that....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Passing of a dear furiend..
"A friend of mine gave him to me when he was 6 weeks old, we became instant friends and Jinx was the most loveable and non aggressive cat I ever had..he always welcomed new kitties witha open paws and made them feel at home..we were happy for 15 years together, then he turned sick and got Congestive Heart failure and his lungs filled with fluid and had maybe a month or less to be with me..I came home from work one day and found him laying on the bedroom floor gasping for his last breaths...I picked him up and laid him in my arms and he took his very last breath and passed over. Friends have told me he was waiting to let go until I came home so he could say goodbye to me and let me know he was no longer in pain and I should be in peace as well..."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Weekend and pictures..
Mom went to the vet after classes today, and guess what!! She got me FOOD and another bandana!!! This one is a Fall/Thanksgiving theme! I have also been napping in my nemo (clownfish) bed. Isn't it cute? (Mom says it matches her ugly orange couch. hehe)
Monday, September 22, 2008
PS: How long is a semester???

Source: http://msp2.photobucket.com/albums/y31/Fredcat/Cats%2002/Cat-CatHoldingGuitarOKStopSingingSo.jpg
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Mom: "OH..... MY.....GOODNESS!!!!!!"

Saturday, September 6, 2008
The cat who cried "MOTH!"
Before (just before I ran in back of the couch to catch it):

After! (pretty self-explanatory):

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Update on the sleeping situation!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
MY bed!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Happy surprise!

Well, guess what! Mom's home! Yes, she came home a few days early because #1 she missed me so much, and #2 there was a death in the step-family and Mom knew grammy & step-grampy would be busy for the next few days. Auntie L. took great care of me during Mom's absence and I had a lovely time with her as always. I was very chatty with her! I was pretty chatty with Mom too when she came home. She's been giving me lots of love and attention, and now I'm all tired out, so I'm going to take a catnap before bed.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mom's away. If she's not working, she's away.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Rotting weather
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I am the king!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Mom's rats ;) (Actually they're Auntie's, but Mom sort of secretly adopted them.)

Poe and Mom's double chin (hehe)
Luna (& a sock! hehe)